Growing up, I always marveled at my mother’s public speaking skills. She’d command everyone’s attention with humor, charm, intelligence, confidence, and candor. She’s still the bravest and most outspoken person I know. She’s still my hero, but one day I’m going to challenge her for the title. And when I do, the throne is mine!
In addition appearances as a featured poet/guest speaker at various events, I’ve written spoken word performances for the following organizations: Center for Planning Excellence, 100 Black Men, Of Moving Colors, Planned Parenthood, and Baton Rouge Area Foundation.
Commissioned Poem “Chlorinated Comfort” (July 2023)
“I'd overhear her critiquing our terminal stillness with friends
I had somehow code-switched to the language of some
unreachable shore
I shared vague distress signals at poetry readings
Passive aggressively blasted Stevie's "Don't Wonder Why"
in the dying of our living room
Music had always been my fountain of rejuvenation
It was now the fleeting mist watering my eyes
failing to quench the gag reflex of our hello's"
-Remorse Code excerpt, from the book upBEAT DOWNbeat, by Chancelier “xero” Skidmore