
I try to create in a way that is descriptive enough to appeal to the audience’s five senses, especially the sense of sight. Once I take that script to a stage, I have to be aware of how the image of me lands on the audience. This is tricky because no one is as they seem. We are all much more complex than the architypes we are often assigned due to our visage. A picture can tell a thousand words, but to a poet that’s pocket change.

“And who will speak for the White dead?

The staggering white-on-white statistics

stumbling onto graveyards like drunken specters

who can’t find the keys to their headstones

White writers may craft somber sonnets

for the one or two relatives that have been plucked

from their dinner tables

but not for the multitudes of Hatfields and McCoys,

chalk-colored bodies tallied up in such close proximity

to their White neighbors

-excerpt from White Poem